We help businesses and government bodies to hold conversations with target audiences. We help you move forward on brand, customer, stakeholder or workforce engagement.BRAND & COMMUNICATION
We create brands and brand strategies that chime, reflect your business aspirations and are powerful tools for behavioral change.PLANNING & INFRASTRUCTURE
We help businesses engage with the public, achieve planning consent and arrive at positive local plan policies. We help develop and communicate infrastructure projects.TRAINING & WORKSHOPS
We offer training in media and communication skills, public and stakeholder engagement. We facilitate workshops on strategy, campaign planning and team away-days.CREATIVE & CONTENT
Public Impact's design studio and production partners provide fast, on-call creative services to our underpin campaigns and events at cost effective rates.EVENTS & CONFERENCES
Our experience of staging events and conferences gives you a dedicated planning and delivery function for to project business or policy messages.HOW WE GET RESULTS
- We put our experience at your disposal - we have worked with brands that are some of the best known and most credible on the planet. We've worked with all kinds of businesses from start-up to trans-national. We draw on that experience to focus on what achievable, deliverable and what provides most benefit for you.
- We provide the real value of independence - we never just tell you what you want to hear. People who do that are not your real friends in business. We believe that sustainable business partnerships are build on mutual understanding and trust - even when it's uncomfortable. That's what 'on your side' looks like.
- We strive to deliver quality and value - we worked hard to build a reputation for delivering both quality and value. Our expertise in sourcing enables us to stretch the budgets of our clients. Our business model ensures that highly capable people deliver our services. Cheap doesn't equal value - quality and results do.


"Delivered a 200% increase in formal contacts
in the first month, a 50% increase in membership
and a 15% increase in income"MANDY WILLIAMS CEO, CHILD AUTISM UK
"Gave us the message, brand and professionalism
we needed to secure key contracts"LIZ TERRY, CEO, BERKSHIRE WOMEN’S AID
“Vision, insight and creativity that align with business acumen and experience.
A great business that we would thoroughly recommend”JULIE SIMPSON, MD RESOURCE IT CONSULTING
"Helped us pull together a difficult,
first time project on a really tough schedule.
They did it with enthusiasm, good advice,
good humour and got us there on time.”LISA McGUIGAN, LEA SCHOOL SPORT CO-ORDINATOR
“Assumptions need to be challenged.
An excellent critical friend and creative thinker.”WINNIE DE’ATH,
“A steady stream of ideas,
the understanding of marketing budgets to apply them
and a generous helping of common sense”RICHARD McKENZIE, MARKETING MANAGER, BUNZL